
Inventory Monitoring Solutions

StockScan’s innovative solutions continuously monitor raw material inventories allowing business to be done more efficiently and at significantly lower risks

Until now, for inventory storage locations along the supply chain your only choice was to use expensive man-managed services at warehouses and in consignment stock facilities. Relying on people to perform repeat and mundane tasks has its risks.


Cargo Monitoring Solutions

StockScan’s innovative solutions monitor your cargo while in transit allowing adherance to ESG requirements and business can be done more efficiently and at significantly lower risks and can thus increase margins, lower financing and insuranve cost.

Until now, for inventory storage locations along the supply chain your only choice was to use expensive man-managed services at warehouses and in consignment stock facilities. Relying on people to perform repeat and mundane tasks has its risks.


StockScan‘s innovative and patented solutions monitor raw material inventories, allowing you to do more business at significantly reduced risk.

Enhancing Efficiency

Plant and production managers can now take advantage of the latest technologies enhanced by artificial intelligence in order to more efficiently manage their production processes thereby reducing costs and wastage.

Enhancing Security

Until now, for many inventory storage locations along the supply chain the only choice was to use expensive man-managed services at warehouses and consignment stock facilities. Relying on people to perform repeat and mundane tasks has significant risks.

Track your Cargo

We provide for smart tags that help you to follow the cargo. Different technologies for different cargo and transports modes. Provides for transparancy (ESG) where needed, boosts efficiency and improves security, reduces risk and thus helps to reduce financing and insurance cost.

StockScan uses a range of different sensors to identify, count and measure inventories 24 hours a day, without fail! Our sensors, being permanently active, resilient and secure, send accurate and unbiased information about your inventory to you as and when you need it.

If you are interested in learning more about StockScan’s inventory monitoring solutions please contact us.


Greg James is the founder and CEO of Sagitta Group based in Cape Town, a dynamic financial investment company that combines his business instinct with his passion for socio-economic transformation in South Africa. Greg is also an owner of Cycle Lab, as well as Pezula and Omega. Prior to founding Sagitta, from 1994 until 2005 Greg managed Mergers & Acquisitions in the Coal Division for Glencore. In this role, he succeeded in leading a merger of Glencore's Colombian coal assets with Rio Tinto Colombian coal mines and upped its annual rollout from 3 million to 30 million tonnes. He also led negotiations with the Colombian government to gain access to the rail and port infrastructure in the country. Greg obtained his B. Comm. degree from Rhodes University, South Africa in 1988 and qualified as a chartered accountant in 1990 while serving his articles at Price Waterhouse in East London, South Africa. Greg is the CEO of StockScan and is a board member.

Chris Mangos studied Finance at the University of Waikato, New Zealand, and moved into commodity trading in 1993 at Gerald Metals, Lausanne, Switzerland before joining Glencore in Zug, Switzerland in 1999. He specialized in Inventory Financing and built up the program's volume at Glencore from USD 5m to USD 2b, and worked on the world's first AI/PI rated USD 750m inventory securitisation. He later became head of operations of Glencore's aluminium division and also he was a member of the company's IT Advisory Board. His responsibilities were for the entire back office operations that included logistics, finance, personnel and special projects. During his time in this role he formalized operational procedures and routines and designed and restructured the aluminium division's risk management systems. After leaving Glencore in 2010 he started research into inventory monitoring and was the driving force behind the setting-up of StockScan. Today Chris is StockScan's chairman of the board and serves as its Managing Director.

Arjan Foekens studied Econometrics/Administrative Informatics at the Erasmus University of Rotterdam. After a short stint at the EURIDES Institute as a researcher he worked for KLM Airlines as an Application Architect and joined Glencore (Grain) in Rotterdam in 2000 to relocate to Glencore Zug in 2002 where he designed and spearheaded the development of the IT solution to manage a new 750M inventory securitisation program. In 2003 he joined the Treasury team, primarily responsible for inventory financing and collateral/broker management, but looking after Forex, cash managementand relationships with the banks as well, for the Glencore Group. In 2010 Glencore bought Access World (then called Pacorini Metals) and he took the role of Group Operations Manager, responsible for Treasury, IT and Group Operations (LME, customs/VAT, back-office processes). In 2019 he joined StockScan, as member of the Board and as one of the Managing Directors.


StockScan AG

Chamerstrasse 30 6300 Zug Switzerland